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How to Avoid Disaster When Maintaining Your Roof
As if homeowners didn't already have enough to worry about – foreclosures, crazy winter weather, etc. – we also need to consider the perils that come hand-in-hand with maintaining clean, safe, non-leaky roofs. Read the rest of this entry »
Are Solar Panels Still Worth It During the Winter Months?
Most people imagine that the hotter the sun’s rays are, the more energy the panels will soak up. Truth be told, solar panels are far more sophisticated, and so many more factors are involved. Indeed, some solar panels function better in cold weather than in hot weather.
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Is Solar Technology Worthless During the Cold, Dark Winter?
Are solar panels effective during the winter months? You might intuitively be led to believe that, because winter months are colder, solar panels won’t get as much “energy,” and thus will not be able to heat your home or run your property effectively. Read the rest of this entry »
Is Your Roof Prepared For (And Protected From) Bad Winter Weather?
-Old Man Winter Is Going To Huff And Puff On Your Roof: Are You Prepared For (And Protected From) Bad Winter Weather?
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How to Clean Your Gutters Without Risking Your Neck
It's that time of year where your gutters are going to begin to fill up real quick and before you know it will be time to break down and have your roof's gutters cleaned. How to clean your gutters efficiently and safely? Read the rest of this entry »

How to Check Your Roof for Leaks before the Rainy Season
Whether you expect monsoon-like thunderstorms to drench your home, condominium, or business, or you expect relatively light rainfall but worry because you live in an older home, you want a systematic way to check your roof for leaks before all the action begins. Read the rest of this entry »
Tips for Fixing Basic Leaks at Home
Whether mildew spread from a pinpoint leak in your attic, or a water heating pipe leaked, creating a slip and fall hazard and a stagnant pool of gross water, here are some tips to solve basic leaks on your own. Read the rest of this entry »

Photovoltaic (PV) Market to Double in U.S. in 2011
2011 has been tale of woe, economically speaking, in the United States. And given the mainstream
media’s obsession with the "The U.S. is falling from grace" storyline, you might be fooled into thinking
that there has not even been a sliver of a silver lining to our mess. Read the rest of this entry »

San Francisco shows what ‘going green’ really means
San Francisco, with a 72% recycling rate and a goal of zero waste to landfill by 2020, is being called one of the 'greenest cities' in the U.S. Jared Blumenfeld, director of the department of the environment talks about some of the projects, including an interactive map that helps users understand their carbon footprint and a solar mashup that enables citizens to price out the cost of installing solar on building rooftops. Read the rest of this entry »