Why Opt For Skylight Installation?
Skylights are an outstanding way to enjoy ample natural light inside your house. Asides from being economical and pocket-friendly, they dramatically transform your home. In fact, skylights add 30 percent more sunlight than that of a mere window. This saves you a lot of energy and even keeps your property cozy during the winters. Having said that, you must still carefully judge whether skylight installation is the right option for you and your property. Read the rest of this entry »
Century Roof & Solar Receives GAF’s Prestigious 2017 President’s Club Award
GAF Awards Century Roof & Solar with the 2017 President’s Club Award
Century Roof & Solar, operating out the East San Francisco Bay Area in Hayward, California, has been awarded GAF’s most prestigious contractor accreditation: The GAF President’s Club Award. From everyone at Century Roof & Solar, we would like to express our overwhelming appreciation and gratitude to GAF, North America’s largest roofing manufacturer, and are honored to receive this recognition. Read the rest of this entry »
Skylight Diagnosis & Repair Tips
What Are the Benefits of Skylights?
Prevent Bay Area Roof Repair With Skylight Maintenance
4 Surprising Reasons to Install a Skylight or Sun Tube

Are Sun Tubes/Sun Tunnels Right for You?