Solar Tiles and Shingles: The Solution to Your East Bay Area Energy Needs?
Could the strategic purchase and deployment of East Bay solar tiles radically chop down your energy bill and give you peace of mind?
Whether you own an old building in the East Bay, or you’re a new homeowner, you’d love to be able to tap into the free fuel provided by the sun to heat your home and run your life. But your building may not be geographically well-positioned for solar panels, so you need to the whole solar idea out the window.
Not so fast!
New, cutting-edge integrated photovoltaic products called solar shingles may be the solution. These shingles are built to convert sunlight into electricity. They look like typical roof shingles and, as such, offer weatherproofing and aesthetic benefits. Plus, you can deploy them on the roof of your condo, commercial building, or other structure to cut down on energy costs.
Here’s the gist of how they work.
When a ray of sunlight smacks into a shingle, the photons from the solar radiation kick-start an electrical circuit, causing a photovoltaic device to harvest electrons and pump them into your home/building’s energy system to run appliances, heat your home, etc. Your ability to extract good energy from these shingles will depend on numerous factors, including your energy demands, whether you can get clear access to the southern skies (best for solar), whether structures or trees obscure your building, and even your microclimate.
The good news is that you do not need to live in the high desert to get serious benefits!
In fact, new solar shingles do a great job, even in places where the weather is gray or mostly gray – e.g. the East Bay on far too many days. On the off chance that your solar shingles overproduce energy, and you have some to spare, you can strategically trade back this energy for a credit from your utility company, depending on where you live and other restrictions.
Is an East Bay solar tile solution might be right for your home or office? Talk to the team here at Century Roof & Solar. We can help with every element of the solar system selection and implementation process. We’ll help you find customized, budget-friendly, and simple solutions.