Century roofing solar butters and skylights

Posts Tagged ‘installation’

Three Common Errors People Make When Choosing Skylights for their Homes

In this article, we explore three common mistakes people make when researching, designing, and executing their skylight projects. Read the rest of this entry »

Avoiding Roofing Disasters

Avoiding Roofing Disasters | Century Roof and Solar & GAF Segment of Designing Spaces Northern California's leading roofing and solar company Century Roof and Solar's owner Tony Diaz and GAF bring you this video segment from Designing Spaces. "Avoiding Roofing Disasters." Read the rest of this entry »

Could Bounteous Energy Tax Credits Inspire You To Finally “Go Solar?”

According to The Department of Energy’s official site: www.energy.gov, consumers can receive profound tax credits just for installing renewable energy systems in their homes and businesses. Consider this blurb regarding federal tax credits for energy efficiency: “consumers who install solar energy systems (including solar water heating and solar electrical systems), small windsystems, small geo-thermal heat pumps, residential fuel cell and microturbine systems canreceive a 30% tax credit for systems placed in service before Dec 31, 2016.” Also of interest: “In addition to federal tax incentives, some consumers will also eligible forutility or state rebates, as well as state tax incentives for energy-efficient homes, vehicles andequipment.” Read the rest of this entry »

Century Roof and Solar Video

Century Roof & Solar is a leading San Francisco Bay Area roofing contractor and installer of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Roof Systems. We are committed to helping you reduce or eliminate your electric bill forever! http://centuryroofandsolar.com (510) 780-9489 Read the rest of this entry »

Solar Energy: The Next Standard Energy Source?

Since the 1970s – and perhaps well before – many pundits have proclaimed that a Golden Age of solar energy was “just around the corner.” Soon, they promised, solar would replace more polluting energy sources, such as coal and natural gas. In the decades since solar’s first “big promise,” the technology has seen its ups and downs. At this point, consumers are significantly confused. Where is solar at? Will the fabled solar energy revolution ever arrive? If so, when? Read the rest of this entry »