Century roofing solar butters and skylights

Posts Tagged ‘roof’

Avoiding Roofing Disasters

Avoiding Roofing Disasters | Century Roof and Solar & GAF Segment of Designing Spaces Northern California's leading roofing and solar company Century Roof and Solar's owner Tony Diaz and GAF bring you this video segment from Designing Spaces. "Avoiding Roofing Disasters." Read the rest of this entry »

Century Roof and Solar Video

Century Roof & Solar is a leading San Francisco Bay Area roofing contractor and installer of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Roof Systems. We are committed to helping you reduce or eliminate your electric bill forever! http://centuryroofandsolar.com (510) 780-9489 Read the rest of this entry »

Three Big Concerns for Homeowners Who are Considering Re-Roofing

Whether you're about to embark on a major remodeling project that could take many months and require the services of multiple contractors; or you simply want to repair a roof that got damaged during a recent windstorm, you likely harbor worries about the process. Below, we discuss three of the biggest homeowner concerns: Read the rest of this entry »

Why Get Solar for Your Home Today?

While debates about climate change, energy independence, and alternative “green” energy rage, consumers find themselves at a difficult crossroads. What’s the best, safest, cheapest, most “green,” and least cumbersome way to power one’s house and one’s life? New research and new technologies have re-inspired faith in one of the oldest – actually the oldest – energy source: solar. Here are four reasons why it may behoove you to install a solar solution for your home or business immediately. Read the rest of this entry »