Posts Tagged ‘save’

How Much Money Will Solar Save Me Every Month?
Whether you're a penny-pinched homeowner desperate to save money on your electricity bill, or you're a Bay Area business owner looking to build equity in your building and slash costs, you're considering the “solar tile route.”
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Could Bounteous Energy Tax Credits Inspire You To Finally “Go Solar?”
According to The Department of Energy’s official site:, consumers can receive profound tax credits just for installing renewable energy systems in their homes and businesses. Consider this blurb regarding federal tax credits for energy efficiency:
“consumers who install solar energy systems (including solar water heating and solar electrical systems), small windsystems, small geo-thermal heat pumps, residential fuel cell and microturbine systems canreceive a 30% tax credit for systems placed in service before Dec 31, 2016.”
Also of interest:
“In addition to federal tax incentives, some consumers will also eligible forutility or state rebates, as well as state tax incentives for energy-efficient homes, vehicles andequipment.” Read the rest of this entry »
The Increasing Trend Of Skylights And Sun Tubes – See Why It Would Be a Nice Fit For Your Home.
Skylights and so-called “sun tubes” are becoming increasingly popular – not just among cutting-edge architects but also among “rank and file” building designers and homeowners. What’s changed about our collective attitude towards these features?
1. First of all, skylights and sun tubes can help you save on electricity bills. Read the rest of this entry »